Two Poems By Zimbabwean-born Poet, Tyrone Takawira
In “Out” and “Rooftops”, Zimbabwean-born poet, Tyrone Takawira writes about rape, incest, and suicide with what we would love to refer to as lucid lines. The stories trapped in these poems are sensational and make a pleasurable read. – Editorial Team Out The hum of…
Aunty Maria: A Short Story By Ehi-kowochio Ogwiji
In “Aunty Maria”, Ehi-kowochio Ogwiji shares a story that is real and heavy with sadness. There is a poetic undertone of metaphors and imageries cuddling away in the crisp paragraphs of this story. Although the story is cold with grief, it closes with a warmth…
Pain is like alcohol. I do not know how many shots gets you tipsy, But the first time life served me shots of pain, I staggered home, entered into a poem & passed out. At dawn, mother dispelled the hangover with these words: “Daughter, pain…