We’re so excited to announce that Eboquills has launched an annual anthology.
The submissions window opens today, 30th June 2023, and closes on 31st July 2023.
For 2023, our anthology will be a curation of fine poetry- all forms of poetry.
Theme: Our Girls: Their voice, virtue, and vices.
We’re looking for creative poems that stretch boundaries, cause mental ripples, and interrogate norms that no longer serve our girls.
Submission Guidelines
Only one poem per entrant is allowed
All poems must be titled and contain 20 lines maximum
Submissions are open until 11:59 PM, on the 31st of July 2023
While this call is open to all poets, female poets between 16 – 25 are highly encouraged to submit
Send your poem to submissions@eboquills.com with “Our Girls Anthology” as the subject line
Submit your poem in the body of the email. Attachments are not allowed
Include a third-person bio of no more than 80 words.

About Eboquills
Eboquills promotes African literature and supports young writers of color.
Every writer, however determined, gets to that point when they need a push. Just a teeny-weeny push to break a world record or at the very least, find their voice. There are not many platforms willing to offer this push especially as the service is not such as can be financially quantified.
Writers have to go through the whole process all by themselves, limping sometimes and escaping into a hiatus to catch their breath before they continue.
Bearing this in mind, Eboquills reaches out to writers and helps them finetune their works. We offer personalized writing advice and general writing advice.