Olayioye Paul Bamidele is a writer and a student of mass communication. His works have appeared or forthcoming in Spillword, Lunaris, Artlounge, Afreecan, Ice Floe, Terror House, and elsewhere.
Everything Names Me
everything names me – grief, pentecostal babel, spittle gun,
vodka speech on the pulpit. everything names me – even the
birds call me their prey. when i strode by the sea, a shark asked
to hide me in its belly. when i farmed my feet at the forest, lions
lend me their teeth. desert perched me in its attic. i own the night,
it awl me & i cried to it. whenever you hear a growling, know i
speak my grief as i watched it sail behind the moon. i know it,
when i see it. i have seen one blossom in my friend’s eye, when his
mother was leveled beneath our feet. if you want to know the witty
mead of grief, then read this poem & my fellow black writers’.
the crochet pattern is grief, stitching into a motif – without it, the
poem is formless. wait, let me give you one: i planted a seed on
this paper, hoping the vinedresser would grin at its glamour,
but no! it stings like a yore body, decaying. from this paper, i made
a kite but the wind sliced its razor through the broomsticks. i
rattled the paper into a ketch, the water swallowed it hole. yesterday,
i saw it mashed with mud. i became a flaw, with a wizened body,
& slow to strive. it became a wart on me – like the dappled spots on
the leopard. forgive me, i speak in veiled language. never seek
to know further – lest your knowledge be camouflaged.
Contributor’s Bio
Olayioye Paul Bamidele is a writer and a student of mass communication. He loves writing poems, plays, prose, and essays, and draws his inspiration from things happening around him. His works have appeared or forthcoming in Spillword, Lunaris, Artlounge, Afreecan, Inverse Journal, Ice Floe, Terror House, Ninshar Art and elsewhere.
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