The indefinite holiday will certainly not be an enjoyable one without great books. We have made a list of books which you would absolutely love. Add these 6 books to your reading list! Work on your mind as the world heals of COVID-19

1. Ernest Hemingway on Writing: This is available on AnyBooks App. The book is a very short but rich read for every writer. It is a collection of excerpts from letters that the great Ernest Hemingway sent and received from his fellow friends who were mostly writers, aspiring authors, and writers. In this book, you will learn about titling your work, about making characters, about living in the society, about making money off writing and what to include and to leave out of your work as a writer.

2. Anxiety and the Things that Shatter: I had barely read halfway through the first part of this three-sectioned anthology before I messaged Samuel, “How did you put these poems out without feeling naked?” The poems in this collection pierce deeply. They are exudates of a troubled mind. The poems, like people running out of a burning house, did not bother with clothing. Each word is in its birthday suit and as a nudist, it walked the busy streets of my mind without any shame. 

Download a copy of the book here

3. Eight Letters to a Young Writer: Writing a book is how a writer gifts part of him/herself to the world. Teju Cole, in his book, Eight Letters to a Young Writer gave such a beautiful gift to anyone looking to write well. When I read this book, I came to love every bit of the fantastic ideas in it. The simplicity of the ideas and the way they were chiseled to fit our writing realities in Nigeria is notable. Writing is a big, big cake, and Teju cuts it in small mouthful-bites for us. The willingness of the multi-award-winning writer to donate his back for the rest of us to stand and get a clearer view of things is a rare display of humility.

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Also, the lovely book is free and available for download in pdf format.

4. Paper Planes in the Rain: Every thinker who lays hand on this collection will have a hard time getting their scoop to the hilt of this well of wits. I recommend this book for (mentally) adventurous and open-minded people who have demolished the walls of fanaticism and its variants of extreme religiosity.

Read the full review here. Available for free download, Click here

5. For Boys who Went: This was the class text for the first-ever EBO Quills Poetry course held in April 2019. The class bubbled as we took lessons from Agarau’s unique style of writing. The writing style, diction, metaphors, imageries in this chapbook will be very helpful to you who is looking to be original. Especially as originality is quite scarce now!

Download here

6. More free books, including the just-released, When I am Eighteen by David Ishaya Osu, with only a thousand copies available for downloads is available at Words Rhymes and Rhythms

Photo by Ylanite Koppens from Pexels