Every month, we take the time to comb the internet for free to enter writing contests, zero-reading fee submissions to which you can send your work. We made no exception in October. So, yay! Get ready to enter as many of these as possible. Those writers who win and get loads and loads of accolades are careful to give luck as many slots as possible. We want to ensure that you are one of them.
Northern Notter Press
Currently open for submissions
“Please submit a pdf document with up to 3 poems, no longer than two pages each.
Fiction/Non-Fiction Submissions
Please submit a pdf document with up to 1 piece, no longer than 2000 words.
Photography/Visual Art Submissions
Please submit up to 3 high quality JPG images. All images will be printed in colour.
(Note that we welcome work outside of these categories, but please do not send more than 3 pieces).
Please only submit to one category per issue. We accept simultaneous submissions, but do let us know if your work has been accepted elsewhere. We do not accept previously published works, but this does not include blog posts or social media posts.
We will not accept submissions sent before or after our designated submission period for each volume.
Northern Otter Press will not tolerate any content that [… continue reading]”
2020 Edition of ANA Review Submissions
Deadline: 15th, October
“The ANA Review, published yearly by the Association of Nigerian Authors (ANA) is a journal that seeks to assess the pulse of contemporary Nigerian and African literary writing as well as critical discourse.
All submissions for the 2020 edition of ANA Review should be directed to the Association’s Editorial Board headed by the General Secretary. Submissions are expected in the following genres—
1] Poetry—No more than six poems per submission.
2] Prose—Short stories or fiction excerpts must be under 4,000 words.
3] Essays—Academic and literary essays on subjects related to literature are welcome; must be under 5,000 words.
4] Drama—Skits only, under 3,000 words.
All submissions should be sent as MS Word attachments via email to info.ananigeria@yahoo.com , maikortserga@gmail.com with the following details on the first page: Name, Genre, Contact Address, Telephone, Short Bio-data”
UNESCO World Tales Short Story Competition
Deadline: 15th October, at midnight (CET)
“Climate change, human rights violations, conflicts, racism and discrimination are among many threats to our present and future. In the face of adversity and the manifold consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic, creative young minds need to be encouraged to find innovative solutions.
With the aim to foster imagination, resourcefulness and ingenuity, UNESCO and the Idries Shah Foundation (ISF) launch the World Tales Short Story Competition in close collaboration with the International Coalition of Inclusive and Sustainable Cities of UNESCO (ICCAR) for 12- 18-year olds.
Young teenagers from all over the globe are invited to write about challenges of today and tomorrow in the format of a short story, and share their perspectives.
The theme of this 2020 First Edition is “Once upon a time in my future”.
Enter here
2020 ANA Literary Prizes
Deadline: 15th October

The Association of Nigerian Authors (ANA) has announced a range of prizes for its 2019 literary competitions. The prizes are:
ANA Prize for Poetry (published & unpublished works) – N 100,000
– ANA Prize for Prose Fiction (published & unpublished works) – N 100,000
ANA Prize for Drama (published & unpublished works) – N 100,000
– ANA Prize for Children’s Literature- 7-13 years age range (Published works only and open to all categories of authors) – N100, 0000
– ANA/ Abubakar Gimba Prize for Fiction (Short Stories Collection – Published works) – N200, 000.
Details, in flier
October 2020 Edition of Fodio Data Stipend for Poetry
Deadline: 25th, October
“For October 2020, we will be looking at “HOME” which means so many things to so many people, while STIPEND remains 10,000 Naira (October Only).
1. One poem per Entrant.
2. Entry must be original and unpublished.
3. Submission should be made in the body of the mail with entrant’s phone number ONLY.
4. Entry made as attachment will not be considered.
5. Entry with the entrant’s name will be disqualified.
6. Deadline for submission is 25th October, entry after 25th will not be considered.
7. All submissions should be sent to: penfodio@gmail.com”
Go Green Short Story Prize
Deadline: 31st, October
This is a horror and fantasy short story contest.
The prize is a $100
Details, here
Commonwealth Short Story Prize
Deadline: 1st November
“The Commonwealth Short Story Prize is awarded for the best piece of unpublished short fiction (2,000–5,000 words). Regional winners each receive £2,500 and the opportunity to be published online by Granta magazine, and the overall winner receives £5,000. As well as English, stories are accepted in the Bengali, Chinese, French, Greek, Kiswahili, Malay, Portuguese, Samoan, Tamil and Turkish languages. Translated entries from any language into English are also eligible. If the winning story is a translation, the translator receives additional prize money.
The competition is free to enter and open to any citizen of a Commonwealth country who is aged 18 and over.
Please read the rules below and enter your story via the online entry form.”
Rougarou Submissions
Deadline: 21st, November
“Please refer to specific genre parameters on our Submittable page, as all of our submission go through Submittable. We ask that writers submit only once every 4 months. We hope to respond to all submissions within 6 months. If you do not receive a response within six months, please check on the status of your submission in Submittable; if you encounter any problems, email us at rougaroueditors@gmail.com. Include your email address in your submission and a brief, third person bio in the “Cover Letter” box that we may use should we choose to publish your work. We do not accept previously published work. Simultaneous submissions are welcomed, but please notify us via Submittable if your work is accepted elsewhere.
Details, here
Lunaris Review Submissions
Deadline: 30th November
“Lunaris Review accepts submissions in all fiction, non-fiction, art/photography and poetry categories except erotica and chic lit. Because of the new biannual schedule of publication, we have a structured submission window.
We accept only electronic submissions. All submissions should be sent to submit@lunaris.com.ng.
All submissions should be emailed as attachments, accompanied by a cover, and all files/documents attached should be saved as a word document, titled the name of the contributor, and should include a short bio of not more than 100 words.
Details, here
Image by Free Photos from Pixabay
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I want to join
Kindly follow the link in each of the contests and submit. Goodluck, Trixy!
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