11 Opportunities That Would Interest you in March!
Of course, we know that entry fees scare the hell out of so many writers, but not to worry, we have you covered: all the writing opportunities we have compiled in this list are absolutely FREE to enter, and hold an amazing reward if you…
Poetic Language and the 21st Century Audience
Jacob Kawghule shares his thoughts on the evolution of poetry/poetic language and how the 21st century is adjusting to it. This is an insightful and interesting read. Ehi-kowoicho Ogwiji, Editor in Chief. What distinguishes poetry from other genres of literature? This question is always the…
One Poem By Chima Christopher
Chima Christopher brews beauty in his poem. With lines clear as the first ray of the morning sun, the poet sends home his message without ambiguity. In “Red Twilight” the persona hopes that only death separates him from his lover. This poem is a compendium…
One Poem By Azaiouris Y Zeon
Liberian Poet, Azaiouris Y Zeon, took extra care to empty scintillating metaphors into the poem, “when a woman holds your neck.” The lines are bold and like yarns of wool on the nip of crochet pins, they intertwine into such a beautiful whole. We are…
Writing Contests to Enter this June
We made a list of writing prizes and contests you can enter this June. Guess what? These prizes are mostly free to enter so all you have to do is just write and beat the deadlines. Christopher Hewitt Award. The award showcases outstanding responses to…
Along Came Love: A Short Story By Zubair Hassan Baba
Along Came Love by Zubair Hassan Baba is what we might refer to as brilliant historical fiction. It tells the Nigerian story of post-colonial travail and the bloody civil war. You may smile, sigh and probably tear up but surely you will fall deeply in…
Three Poems By Spanish Poet, ts hidalgo
In these three poems, ts hidalgo takes the reader on a tour to a land of creative explosion of poesy. The way he knots all the verses of each poem into a beautiful ribbon in the finishing line is very impressive. Enjoy the read! -Editorial…
Five Poems By South Sudanese Poet, Marial Awendit
These poems draw from personal experiences and the political climate in South Sudan. The lines are elegant, rhythmic, and gracefully witty. Marial Awendit, unreservedly pours himself into these poems, employing brevity and simple sophistication in an impressive way. We are thrilled to share these poems…
The First Time I Got on a Writing Contest Shortlist
In 2015, after over a year of entering contests and sending my work everywhere, I got on a writing contest shortlist for the first time. I was in the university at that time and was living in the hostel. Turns out the grand finale would…
What Items Would an Intending Freelance Writer Need to Start?
In online writing circles, freelancing has become a buzzword. English words can be deceptive. On first hearing the word, one might imagine that freelance writer means someone who writes for free. This might be because of the belief that writing is not a commercially viable…