Self- Portrait as a Body is one Poem By Joshua Effiong which strikes the right strings on the chord of rhythm and poetic beauty. We’re sure you’ll enjoy it as much as we did.
– Editorial Team
Self- Portrait as a Body
I plunge into the stream of
sunlight, letting my body absorb
every beam pouring freely from its
firmamental space. Watching
the gloominess of the night
condense into steam, evaporating
into white clouds. Letting my body
become an oasis of ecstacy. I
extricate my breathe from the thorns
& maze of depression. This body you see
was once a guesthouse to pain. From
afar I presented you a beautiful canvas
& yet you came in to undress
my pretence. What you see is an aftermath
of a silent war that have begun long before
my awakening. Yesterday I swallowed
a capsule of grief to palliate the resounding
noise in my head. & vomited my discomfort
into this poem. It is to my pleasure that
I document all of these little details.
Tomorrow, I am bruised, but I welcome myself
into a world of people who fought hard to make
their bodies- a habitation of sweet & sour.
Read Also: Sunburns & Sunflowers: A Poem By Joshua Effiong
Contributor’s Bio
Joshua Effiong is a Nigerian writer and a lover of literature. When he is not writing, he is reading, watching movies, and listening to music. He is an undergraduate of Science Laboratory Technology. Joshua lives in Calabar, Cross River State, Nigeria. And here he writes from. You can find him on Instagram @josh.effiong and Twitter @JoshEffiong